The ministry of any church is the work of the people, as we act together as the hands, feet, and heart of Christ in the world. This is especially true at Northside Presbyterian, where we have chosen to organize ourselves for service to others through our ministries and related committees. These programs allow each member to use our God-given gifts and individual passions to involve ourselves with others in ministries that interest and excite us.Northside members and friends share a common conviction and passion for a particular avenue of service, supported by our church’s vision — Welcome Home! Come Walk With Us!

The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for "Elder": presbuteros. It describes the way the church is governed, with oversight resting on elected bodies at the congregational, regional and national levels.

The Session (Ruling Elders)

The Session of the Northside Presbyterian Church is the governing body of the church. Members of Session (laypersons - men and women, ordained as "Ruling Elders") are elected by the congregation and normally serve a three-year term, with a third of the Session elected each year.

The Pastor (ordained as a "Minister of Word and Sacrament") is the moderator of the Session and possesses the authority necessary for preserving order and for conducting efficiently the business of the body. The pastor is a member of the Session with equal rights to the other Elders.

Rev. Dr. Linda Dickerson, Moderator

Class of 2024

  • Bruce Harper
  • Heidi Harper
  • Ann Marie Conner

Class of 2025

  • Sue Bentley
  • Betsy Stinson
  • Sandi Webster

Class of 2026

  • Alex Aning
  • Forest Arnold
  • Marshall Chaney


These are the church committees where much of the work of the church is carried out. Each committee has a member who is a Ruling Elder, who reports to Session.

  • Christian Education
  • Fellowship
  • Finance & Facilities
  • Human Resources
  • Mission
  • Theology, Worship & Music
  • Memorials Board
  • The Board of Deacons

Christian Education

Northside offers Sunday School classes for adults beginning at 11:15 each Sunday throughout the school year, following worship and after a fellowship time.

Adult Bible Study

This small-group discussion class, taught by Lucian Robinson, provides opportunities for in-depth study of the Bible. The class, continuing its study of the Book of John, expects to be involved with this through the fall. Everyone is welcome to participate no matter what experience you have.

Adult Forum

This group-discussion class includes far-ranging themes that offer insights into contemporary issues from a Christian perspective. Reverend Linda Dickerson began this school year with a class using Amplify Media's video series on "Bible Stories for Grownups," followed by "Lies My Preacher Told Me: An Honest Look at the Old Testament" by Brent Strawn from Sycamore Creek Church. This winter we have enjoyed a series of Lenten Lunches with soup and bread while viewing “The Passion Play: Living the Story of Christ’s Last Days” by Amplify Media. Charles Bostian has led an interesting 4-part series “Israel and Palestine from a Christian Perspective: From the Land of the Bible to the Gaza War”, based on Walter Russell Mead’s book “The Arc of a Covenant.” This class will continue with Alex Aning’s insights on growing up in Ghana, then migrating to America. We’ll learn more about the Interfaith Food Pantry from Andrea Mustatello, then Karen and Forest Arnold will present information about trends in creation care. Join us!


Lessons for younger children are provided, when appropriate, in the nursery during church time.


The Fellowship Committee works in concert with other church organizations and Session ministries/committees to facilitate and promote a sense of community within the congregation through Christian fellowship. Their mission is to provide church-wide fellowship activities that enhance the life of the church and build stronger bonds within the congregation and the community. Some of these activities include:

  • Church Picnics
  • Fellowship Dinners
  • Officer Retreat Dinners
  • Easter Sunrise Breakfast
  • Heritage Sunday
  • “Lemonade on the Lawn" in the Summer
  • Joy Gift Lunch

Finance & Facilities

The Finance & Facilities Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Northside church building and surrounding property as well as fiscal oversight and drafting the annual budget.

The Stewardship Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance & Facilities Committee and provides a ministry of oversight and direction for the financial operations of the church, working with the congregation to encourage generous giving of gifts, time, and talents in response to God’s grace.

Northside has a large open space, which we use as our sanctuary and fellowship hall, with a hardwood floor. There are also meeting rooms and a small warming kitchen. The spaces are available for use by community groups on a short-term or long-term basis. Depending on the activity and time desired, there may be a rental fee charged for the use.


Human Resources

The Human Resources Committee responsibilities and activities include oversight of the paid church staff, staff evaluations, maintenance of the Personnel Manual, development of new membership opportunities, encouragement of members to participate and lead within the congregation, and a regular review the active and inactive membership rolls.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is one of the more important committees of Northside. The Session member serves as committee chair. There is a member selected from the Board of Deacons and the congregation elects three at-large members. Each member serves a one-year term.

Theology, Worship & Music

The Theology, Worship and Music Committee responsibilities and activities include working with the Ministerial team to assist and to help plan regular, seasonal and special worship programs as well as assuring responsibility for regular weekly worship services, including overseeing the selection of ushers, selection of liturgists, flowers, paraments and banners, music selections, nursery helpers, guest ministers, special music and music substitutes, sound system operators, communion preparation and servers (Ruling Elders), publicity, and the Church website.

The Adult Choir and the Northside Chimers programs are coordinated with this committee.

The 2024 Liturgical Colors Calendar is available from the Presbyterian Church (USA) site.

The Board of Deacons

The mission of the Board of Deacons is to develop and maintain a ministry of care, compassion, and outreach to and with Northside members, friends, and visitors. The Deacons provide greeters for Sunday worship and other services and collect information to provide greetings and follow-up to each visitor. The Deacons send well wishes (birthdays, anniversaries, and illness) from Northside’s “Care List.”

“It is the duty of deacons, first of all to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.”

Our responsibilities include:

  • Developing and maintaining a ministry of care, compassion, and outreach to and with members, friends, and visitors.
  • Visiting and shepherding shut-ins, sick, inactive, visitors, and all members.
  • Providing greeters for worship services.
  • Contacting first-time visitors following worship each week.
  • Maintaining a record of visitors to worship services.
  • Providing assistance when memorial services are held at the church.
  • Maintaining an updated Manual Of Ministry, (M.O.M.) covering everything that deacons are responsible to do.
  • Overseeing a Deacon's Fund and providing annual budget recommendations to the Finance and Facilities Committee.

The Board of Deacons meets four times throughout the year.


Class of 2024

  • Lisa Garcia
  • Sandy Gaylord
  • Kay Hunnings

Class of 2025

  • Frieda Bostian
  • Traci McCoy
  • Lucian Robinson

Class of 2026

  • Karen Arnold
  • Emily Davis
  • Barbara Wierwille

Memorials Board

The Memorials Board serves as the conduit between the ‘givers of memorial gifts’ and the Church by managing these gifts to further God’s ministry at Northside Presbyterian.

The Memorials Board is also responsible for educating the congregation in ways that they can continue Christian stewardship after death through memorial gifts, bequests, and endowments.

Mission Statement:

Christian stewardship can be continued after death through memorial gifts, bequests, and endowments.

The Memorials Board will assess the family or friend's wishes with the needs of the Church with approval of the Session. Monies may be added to the endowment fund where interest is annually donated to mission projects of the Church. Monies may also be designated for capital improvements or benevolence projects. Names of individuals being recognized in addition of names of donors are recorded in the Church Memorial Book.


Members (and year term ends):

  • Caryl Gray (2024)
  • Nedra Underwood (2025)
  • Linda Morrow (2026)