Northside Presbyterian Church Weekly eUpdate |
Coming Sunday
This Sunday, Linda’s sermon is “Waiting.” The choir will perform “O Jesus, Every Moment.”
Come to the adult forum on March 23, when George Norton will present the first of a two-week study on hunger.
Linda's sermon continues her Lenten series of sermons. On March 30, the topic will be "Welcome," on April 6, it will be "Way, on April 13, it will be "With Others," and it will conclude on Easter with "Witness."
Lenten Lunches"The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton is the theme of our Lenten Lunches. Each session will begin at noon each Monday, with a warm bowl of soup and some bread, followed by a short video and then discussion led by Reverend Linda.
Lenten Suppers The Blacksburg Ministerial Association is resuming the Lenten Suppers and Worship for the first time since Covid. Supper will start at 5:45 pm with a worship service to follow. Here is the schedule: March 19 - Unitarian Universalist Congregation • "Together: joining with others to find and offer hope" -- Emily Rhodes Hunter, BPC March 26 - Blacksburg United Methodist Church • "Trusting: trusting in the hope of God's promise" -- Linda Dickerson, NPC April 2 - Blacksburg Presbyterian Church • "Noticing: deepening our hope by noticing signs of God" -- Pam Phillips, UUC April 9 - Northside Presbyterian Church • "Courage: being rooted in hope gives us courage" -- Father John Asare, SMCC
Sue Bentley is coordinating the meal when Northside hosts the service. She is looking for helpers for meal preparation and clean-up. The supper will be a baked potato bar, so people are needed to scrub and bake potatoes and to bake cookies for the dessert. Help will be needed to chop toppings on the afternoon of April 9, set up for the meal, and clean up after the service. Contact Sue to be added to her list. |
"Just One Can" Food Drive
The Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry is started its "Just One Can" town-wide campaign on March 16th. The goal is to collect Just One Can from each resident, with hopes to exceed the goal of collecting 30,000 cans. There are collection places all around Blacksburg and the Pantry has bins outside our doors at 706 Harding Avenue. This campaign runs through March 30. As always, donations can be dropped off in the side entrance hallway of the church.
The Pantry needs standard-size cans • Vegetables: carrots, potatoes, diced tomatoes, peas, corn, and green beans • Beans: pork and beans, chili beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, and red beans • Fruit: applesauce, pears, peaches, fruit cocktail, and mandarin oranges • Meat: tuna and chicken • Soup: any variety
Collection Locations |
Annie Kay's Avelinos Blacksburg Bagels Blacksburg Country Club Blacksburg Eye Associates Blacksburg Library Blacksburg Pharmacy Bottom of the Stairs Cabo Fish Taco Counseling Center on Gilbert Street EATS Food Lion N. Main
Food Lion Prices Fork Hello Bagel In Balance Yoga Studio Kroger S. Main Kroger UCB Our Daily Bread PK's Skyline National Bank The Weight Club Top of the Stairs VCOM Wikiteria – VT CRC
Officer on Call The officer on call for the week of March 16-22 is Marshall Chaney. He can be reached at 540-320-8083. The officer on call for the week of March 23-15 is Ann Marie Connor. She can be reached at 540-392-2490. |
Monday Night Supper |
On Monday, the menu was baked ziti, bread, salad, fruit cup, and pudding. We served 86 meals. Helpers this week were: Marge and George Norton, Alex and Marshall Chaney, Kay and Joe Hunnings, Susan Heinze, Barbara Wierwille, and Bruce and Heidi Harper. |
Service Opportunities |
Every Sunday is open to serve Fellowship after worship. The sign-up sheet and instructions are on the Fellowship table. You can also contact to sign up.
There is also a need for people to read the scripture each Sunday and two people to participate in the Tenebrae part of the service during Lent. Please contact to sign up.
Church Clean-up/The Big Event 2025 There are a number of spring cleaning projects around Northside, such as weeding the many flower beds, cleaning toys in the nursery, and tidying up around the building. The work day has been scheduled for Saturday, April 5. Ten students have been invited to help from approximately 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. NPC folks are needed to provide guidance on specific tasks. The Finance and Facilities committee will be responsible for obtaining the necessary tools and cleaning materials. If you can help on the work day please contact Steve Cole. |
Homebound Members For those wishing to keep in touch with our homebound members, here are some addresses: |
Lou Brown English Meadow #103 3400 South Point Dr. Blacksburg VA 24060
Janis Brown 1060 Showalter Dr. #206 Blacksburg VA 24060
Jan and Leon Geyer English Meadow, #242 3400 South Point Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060
Mary Rhodes English Meadow #116 3400 South Point Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 |
Pastoral Care "Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time." – Eph. 6.18 Please be in prayer for: |
Marsha Spalding Jan and Leon Geyer Matthew Harper Ron Pearson Betty Manus Margaret Bender Kristin Adams Elnathan Rathjen Robyn Gregg Brenda Payne Cathy Cunningham Charles Allen
Jeff Kallas (Bronwyn’s husband) Wendy Ballard Lindsay Salany Mary Rhodes Asa Peeples Martha Taylor Lea & Ricky Teasdale Christy Knox Lavetta Cumbee Daniel, Erika, and Ted Harper
Please let the church office know if names should be added to or removed from the list. |
Coming Events
• March 19 5:45 pm Lenten Supper, Unitarian church • March 19 7:30 pm Choir Practice • March 20 All Day Mr. Rogers Day • March 23 10:00 am 3rd Sunday in Lent, Worship and Communion • March 23 10:45 am Sunday School • March 23 12:00 pm Deacons Meeting • March 24 12:00 pm Lenten Lunch • March 24 4:30 pm Monday Night Supper • March 25 3:45 pm Northside at Food Pantry
Mr. Rogers Day
March 20 is Mr. Rogers Day, also known as "Won't You Be My Neighbor Day."
"Technically, the idea for the Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day was taken from Sweater Day, which was originally created by Family Communications Inc. of Pittsburgh to honor Fred Rogers. It is celebrated on Mr. Rogers’ birthday. Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day encourages people to perform random acts of kindness and gratitude to their neighbors and anyone they cross paths with.
“Welcome home! Come walk with us!” |
Northside Presbyterian Church, reflecting the love of God, celebrates inclusion and diversity. Whoever you are, whatever your ancestry, ability, or identity, you are made in God’s image. Wherever you are in your faith journey, come as you are. We welcome you and invite you to walk with us. (adopted by the Session, April 21, 2024) |
DO YOU KNOW? You have an online way to support Northside! Your REGULAR OFFERING, PLEDGE, OR 2 CENTS A MEAL. Go to the page on our church website (, and click the button. OR just scan the QR code below to take you there: |